Disclosure Forms

As a registered investment adviser in the U.S., we are required to share our forms with clients before they sign an agreement to hire us as an investment adviser.

You can find our Form ADV and our investment brochure on the SEC’s official adviser database. We also have them listed below, and email them out to clients before signing an agreement.

We also are sharing the template of our client agreement, as well as our privacy policy.

You’ll find that everything in there aligns with what we offer and who we are.

To summarize, we offer discretionary investment management, meaning we invest for you, using either a passive or an active investment strategy.

Accounts are custodied with Charles Schwab, meaning you will set up your account on Schwab and be able to access it there, while we manage it.

Our maximum fee is 1% for the active strategy, and .25% for the passive strategy.

We are registered in the state of Michigan and our client agreements are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

If you’re interested in learning more, contact us with questions or to set up a call.